DJMadonna was born in 1965, Brisbane, Australia. Madonna lives with her husband and daughters, two cats and Indy the Kerry Blue Terrier who sometimes comments on the live radio shows. The state of Queensland’s capital city enjoys a sub tropical climate and the opposite seasons to the Northern Hemisphere. Diagnosed with PD in 2012, Madonna decided after the initial shock and disbelief of the diagnosis seize the day and enjoy the present. Learning new things, having fun and making every day the best it can be. In early 2014, Madonna founded the support group called Young at Park, Brisbane, a group for Parkies of all ages and partners, spouses, family are welcome. The name of the group is a play on the Frank Sinatra song Young at Heart, meeting regularly for evening meetings with guest speakers and midday gatherings for lunch and table games. Mid 2017 saw the beginning of a new chapter for PLWP in Brisbane, Parkinson’s Fighters United Inc bringing more choices for exercise and activities. Non contact boxing for people with Parkinson’s in Brisbane commenced late 2017. Being a DJ on is unexpected and very fun, Madonna plays a, eclectic mix of alternative music, rock and roll, indie folk music, ‘80s, New Wave, and fresh new music. Special guests on the program share brief insights to their connection with Parkinson's, it's inspiring, interesting and informative. Listen out for the Music Quiz, local activities, and research participant information. Themed shows include: Show Tunes, Whistling songs, Aussie hits, Songs about birds, Songs that made me. If you would like to be a guest, email [email protected] Please join me for something different. Let your voice be heard.